Com o Outono aí em força (apesar do solzinho de ontem), já me apetece enrolar na mantinha e fazer tricot à noite :) Gosto muito de tricotar, é muito relaxante, apesar de ainda ser uma naba completa e só saber fazer os dois pontos básicos. Como, por agora, não posso comprar lãs novas, já que os trocos que sobram vão todos para equipar a casa, tenho de satisfazer a minha vontade com os restos dos anos anteriores, que não dão para projectos muito avultados. Uma das coisas que me lembrei de fazer foram lacinhos, muito fáceis, que dão para usar no cabelo (com um ganchinho) ou na roupa, numa fita ou cinto (com um alfinete de ama), e práticos para oferecer nos inúmeros aniversários das "filhas do Outono" e, claro, no Natal, como pequenos miminhos, feitos com carinho (as melhores prendas para dar e receber). Como tenho um aniversário à porta, pus as mãos à obra.
With Fall banging at our doors (despite yesterday's shiny sun), in the evenings, I already feel like wrapping up in a blanket and knitting :) I really like to knit, it's very relaxing, although I'm a complete noob, who only knows how to make the 2 basic stitches. As, for now, I can't afford to buy new wool, since all the spare money is spent on equiping our home, I have to satisfy my urges with past years leftovers, who aren't enough for big projects. One of the things I thought about doing were little bows, very easy to make, that can be worn on your hair (with a little hairclip) or on your clothes, hairband or belt (with a little safety pin), and which are practical to give away for the inumerous "daughters of Autumn" birthdays and, of course, Xmas, little treats, made with love (the best gifts to give and receive). As I have a frind's birthday coming up, I decided to put my thoughts in action.
With Fall banging at our doors (despite yesterday's shiny sun), in the evenings, I already feel like wrapping up in a blanket and knitting :) I really like to knit, it's very relaxing, although I'm a complete noob, who only knows how to make the 2 basic stitches. As, for now, I can't afford to buy new wool, since all the spare money is spent on equiping our home, I have to satisfy my urges with past years leftovers, who aren't enough for big projects. One of the things I thought about doing were little bows, very easy to make, that can be worn on your hair (with a little hairclip) or on your clothes, hairband or belt (with a little safety pin), and which are practical to give away for the inumerous "daughters of Autumn" birthdays and, of course, Xmas, little treats, made with love (the best gifts to give and receive). As I have a frind's birthday coming up, I decided to put my thoughts in action.
Basta tricotar uma tirinha, com a largura de 5 cm e comprimento de +/- 12 cm.
All you have to do, is knit a little strip, 5 cm. wide and about 12 cm long.
All you have to do, is knit a little strip, 5 cm. wide and about 12 cm long.
Depois, com uma fita ou lã de outra cor que combine, dão-se umas quantas voltas no meio da tira e forma-se o laço, dando 2 nós no final.
Afterwards, you take a different colour, but matching, ribbon or piece of wool, and you wrap it around the centre of the strip, giving shape to the bow and tying it in the end, with 2 knots.
Afterwards, you take a different colour, but matching, ribbon or piece of wool, and you wrap it around the centre of the strip, giving shape to the bow and tying it in the end, with 2 knots.
Cortam-se as pontas soltas e prende-se, na parte de trás, um ganchinho ou um alfinete de ama.
Cut off the loose ends and attach a hairclip or safety pin in the back.
Cut off the loose ends and attach a hairclip or safety pin in the back.
I had already made a blue one, for myself, to match my jeans. Cuter than using it to secure your bangs (this way, it doesn't stay put , because of my very fine hair), is using it on the back of your head, as you can see in the picture.
Mas para além de fazer o laço, este também tem de ser embrulhado. Para isto peguei em duas ideias que fui buscar à blogolândia.
But on top of making the bow, it also needs to be giftwrapped. To do this, I thought of two ideas I got out of "blogland".
On the Homemade Mammas website, which I have already mentioned, I found a tutorial to make favor boxes out of toilet paper rolls (a raw material abundant in every home with a WC, I think). They're kinda little, but tiny things fit in beautifully. However, if there's no money for wool, there's also no money for paint, so I left my roll in its "virgin state". And you know what? It turned out real nice.
Só que faltava uma gracinha e quis atar uma fita à volta, com um enfeite qualquer, para não ficar tão nu.
Puxei pela cabeça e lembrei-me das flores que a Poupadinha fez com caixas de ovos. O passo-a-passo está muito bom e saiu uma florzinha bem bonita.
It was only missing a little something-something to make it fun and I wanted to tie a ribbon around it, with a small embelishment, so it wouldn't look so naked. I did a little brainstorming and remembered the flowers Poupadinha made out of egg cartons. The tutorial is very good and out came a cute little flower.
It was only missing a little something-something to make it fun and I wanted to tie a ribbon around it, with a small embelishment, so it wouldn't look so naked. I did a little brainstorming and remembered the flowers Poupadinha made out of egg cartons. The tutorial is very good and out came a cute little flower.
Mais uma vez, deixei por pintar, só fiz um furinho no centro da flor e enfiei as pontas da fita (um resto de um ramo de flores que tinha por aí) pelo buraco e dei 2 nós, ficando com aspecto de botãozinho :)
Once again, I left it unpainted, all I did was a tiny hole in the centre of the flower, through which I pulled the two ends of the ribbon (some leftovers from a flowerbunch), tied them twice, and it ended up looking like a tiny button.
Once again, I left it unpainted, all I did was a tiny hole in the centre of the flower, through which I pulled the two ends of the ribbon (some leftovers from a flowerbunch), tied them twice, and it ended up looking like a tiny button.
E pronto, assim se fez uma prendita e respectivo embrulho, sem gastar dinheiro nenhum e feitos a pensar na pessoa destinatária :)
There you go, a nice little gift and wraping, with no need of spending any money and made while thinking of the receiver :)
*Para manter um bocadinho da surpresa nas cores, o lacinho aqui demonstrado não é o que vai ser oferecido. Este vai ficar também para mim... Uma rapariga nunca tem acessórios suficientes, não acham? :P
In order to keep the colours a surprise, the bow shown here is not the one that's going to be given. This one can stay with me... A girl can never have too much accessories, right? :P
There you go, a nice little gift and wraping, with no need of spending any money and made while thinking of the receiver :)
*Para manter um bocadinho da surpresa nas cores, o lacinho aqui demonstrado não é o que vai ser oferecido. Este vai ficar também para mim... Uma rapariga nunca tem acessórios suficientes, não acham? :P
In order to keep the colours a surprise, the bow shown here is not the one that's going to be given. This one can stay with me... A girl can never have too much accessories, right? :P
4 comentários:
Ficou muito giro, nunca me tinha lembrado disso. É uma ideia bem económica para o Natal, vou copiar tá bem? Acho que tão cedo não vai mais nenhuma caixa de ovos para o lixo.
cute idea for the hairclip...and i LOVE the package! i've also done toilet paper roll packages in the past, but never as lovely as this one! :) lisa
que duas ideias fixes!!!
obrigada por partilhares!
Ficou tão giro! É uma prendinha engraçada, sem dúvida!
Pois é, esqueci-me desta e das carteiras tetrapak.
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